
[공주] 송산리고분군, 무령왕릉

The Fieldtrip to Gongju(2)

The next destination is the Tombs in Songsan-ri(宋山里古墳群).

Songsan-ri where 7 tombs of Baekje are located in is apart from Gong-sanseong(公山城) in the west.

The sights became famous for excavation of the Tomb of King Mooryeong(武寧王陵) in 1971.

The Tombs in Songsan-ri(宋山里古墳群)

A look inside the maquette of Tomb No.6 (宋山里6號墳)

Among the tombs, worth noting is Tomb No.6, because of its mural paitings.

Its mural features Four Deities- Cheongryong(靑龍), Baekho(白虎), Hyeonmoo(玄武), Jujak(朱雀)

These murals was painted simply after some part of walls was daupted with mud,

while murals of Tomb No.1 of Neungsan-ri(陵山里1號墳; it is also a tomb of Baekje) was painted directly

on properly faced stones.

Tomb No.6 of Songsan-ri and Tomb No.1 of Neungsan-ri are the only Baekje tomb has murals.

The murals features Four Deities of Tomb No.6

The hall for a oil lamp (maquette)

Then-picture when Tomb of Muryeong(武寧王陵) was discovered

Tomb No.7 of Songsan-ri became known as the tomb of King Muryeong(461~523) for his name on a stone board.(epitaph)

아래는 송산리 고분군 모형관에 있는 매지권(買地卷)과 묘지명(墓誌銘)인데

다음에 이어지는 공주박물관의 번역과 조금 다른 부분이 있어서

양측을 다 싣도록 한다.



왕의 묘지(墓誌)

왕비의 묘지(墓誌)

National Gongju Museum

Gongju National Museum is close to tombs of Songsan-ri. (website : gongju.museum.go.kr)

The museum has two permanent exhibition halls; hall for Tomb of King Mooryeong and hall for ancient culture of Chungcheongnam-do

In the exhibition hall for Tomb of King Mooryeong,

visitors can see a restoration of Tomb of King Mooryeong.

Wooden coffins of King and Queen

the restoration of entrance of the tomb

necklace made of charred woods and gold.

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